
Friday, November 15, 2019

Something About Dar

picture of me mouth wide open posing in a polka dot dress
Mouth wide open, as usual1

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Who Am I?

My name is Darlene, but my friends call me Dar. Growing cup, I though Darlene was an old person's name, and I was right. I'm beginning to fit that description as the years go by. Although, my oldest son said to me today, "You don't look like 45! What does 45 look like anyway?" I replied with a simple, "Um, this, I guess!"

I am a wife of 1, mom of 4, Lola (grandma) of 3 with one on the way. My top 5 strengths according to Clifton Strengths are: Positivity, Belief, Arranger, Harmony, Futuristic. I am learning more about myself every day.

I am an Enneagram 9: I love peace, naps, and sleeping. I don't like being pressured to make decisions.

What Was Reading Like as a Child?

I grew up in a small logging town in Oregon. 3 months after my 4th birthday, I watched the school across the street from my house burn down. I was devastated. I thought I would be dumb forever. I had spend the better part of my life longing to go to school with the big kids and learn how to read.

So, you know what I did? I taught myself how to read! Booyah!!!! I don't need schooling! Turns out, I still went to school in the fall, but I didn't know that was going to happen. My love for reading grew as I learned what a library is! 

Around the age of 7 or so I was allowed to walk to the public library all by myself. (Remember, this was the early 80's and such a small town that when I did something bad my mom knew about it before I even got back home.) I can still remember the smell of the library and how I loved looking through the card catalog. I have a dream to have my very own card catalog cabinet. I'm not sure what I'd put in it, but I'd just love it!

Reading Slumps or Spurts and How I Get Un-Slumped

I think we all go through times where we have have slumps and spurts in any area of our lives. Surprisingly, when my oldest was a newborn that was a time when I could read a lot. I'd read while he napped, I'd read when I'd nurse him, I'd read my books out loud to him. As time went on, I'd read more to him and my own reading was overshadowed by the books I'd check out for him each week. As my family grew to 4 kids, I'd read tons of book aloud to them that also interested me. I was more tired in those years so I read really easy things for myself. Pretty sure I read the entire Kay Scarpetta series during that time!

Nowadays, I can just be so tired that I fill up my "free" time by watching tv shows in the evening. However, I found that when I take time to read, even if it's less than 10 minutes at a time I feel much happier. 

I get un-slumped by just doing it. Like many things in life there isn't a magic spell to make it all better. I have to put in the effort first, then the benefits come. 

This is my self-care, a not-so-small way for me to take care of my heart, soul, and mind.

Favorite Types of Books

I'm pretty varied in the types of books I've read over the years. In the last few years I've read a lot of personal development, brainy neuroscience, parenting, Bible study, leadership type of books. While I love fiction a lot, I somehow forgot how to look for those type of books. I'm jumping back on that bandwagon now.

As a kid, I loved biographies and stories of people coming west. One time I told my dad, "When I grow up I want to be a pioneer and go West. He heartily laughed then took me to look at the Pacific Ocean that's only about 30 minutes from where I grew up. He said, "Here's the Wild West, honey. Don't turn your back on it. It's sneaky and can carry you to the sea." We'd sometimes venture into the ocean, on a boat, looking for whales. That's as far as I would go. 

I digress...or do I? I love memoirs. I am incredibly interested in people's stories of overcoming. I want to ask questions that are too probing and inappropriate, but I don't.

What I'm Currently Reading

All the Impossible Things by Lindsay Lackey
The Radium Girls by Kate Moore
Be The Bridge by Latasha Morrison

Come back soon for Joellen's intro and some great book reviews! We have so many fun plans for all of you! 

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