
Saturday, November 2, 2019

What Are We Doing?

Welcome to our blog! (We do post affiliate links here, just in case you were curious.)

Dar and I have been friends for quite a while now, and both of us have been through our fair share of ups and downs, embarked on many individual endeavors, and moved more times than we care to remember. We've always wanted to do something together, but we never really knew exactly what we wanted to pursue or what it would look like.


Through a random set of circumstances (which is often how these things seem to go), we decided to read a book together and talk about it with friends online. Then our brains just couldn't help themselves, and the ideas began pouring out, often ten or more at a time! It all has led to this. The Paper Gem Society.

So who are we? Just two regular ladies who love books, enjoy art, and feel most alive when we are talking about all the beautiful things we are learning about in life.

What are we doing here? We are going to share with you the gems we find in books, and the books we discover to be gems! This will be through posting here on on our blog, sharing through our Instagram, engaging in live discussion on our Facebook page, and eventually putting out a podcast too.

When will all this happen? It's already started! Just barely :)

Our first live book discussion is November 10th and we'll be talking about a book we've recently read: Friendish by Kelly Needham. It's all about having the right perspective on friendship and how we can work towards having thriving relationships with the women in our lives. There's still time to get your copy and join us! Here is the link to purchase on amazon, and here is the link to join us on Facebook.

We hope that through all of our sharing and discussing, you can see the gems hiding out not only in your books, but in your life as well. God places little jewels in our lives for us to pick up, enjoy, and help give us the courage and desire to keep pushing past the difficult circumstances we are all bound to encounter.

We hope The Paper Gem Society can be one avenue that brings light and beauty into whatever circumstances you are in, through whatever book you are reading, and through the things we are gleaning and sharing with you. May it be a place of peace, enrichment, and love!

Happy to be here ~ Joellen

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